Rock the Vote — the non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1990 by members of the recording industry to engage America’s youth in the political process — recently refused an offer by Taco Bell to team up with the fast-food giant for a high-level PR voter activity. Taco Bell’s marketing department proposed partnering with Rock the Vote to carry out voter registration in Taco Bell drive-thru windows in 10 cities, but Rock the Vote chose not to partner with Taco Bell while the boycott is still unresolved.

The CIW commends Rock the Vote for the consistency of its vision, for believing in the sanctity of our democratic process, and for reminding us, as well, of the overwhelming importance of the coming days. Now is the time to make your voice heard. Now is the time to tell our elected officials what we think of the jobs they have done in our names. Now is the time to rock YOUR vote! This November 2nd, make your voice heard at the ballot box. And when you wake up on November 3rd, keep on fighting, because the front lines in the battle for a better America are right here in our communities, our churches, and our campuses. It’s our world, we can change it.