The Chicago chapter of Jobs with Justice has endorsed the Alliance for Fair Food and written a sharply worded letter to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner!

The letter, from James Thindwa of Chicago JwJ, begins: “On behalf of Chicago Jobs With Justice (JWJ), we write to urge you to raise your standards for the growers that supply tomatoes to McDonald’s. Earlier this month, the Steering Committee of Chicago JWJ, composed of its over 40 local labor and community organizations, agreed to support the call by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and the Alliance for Fair Food for just wages and working conditions throughout the food supply chain. We took this decision when we learned about the troubling lack of rights and fairness for the workers who pick tomatoes for your suppliers.”

The letter goes on to say: “This human rights crisis (in Florida’s fields) is at odds with the values of America’s working people, and only by improving the wages and working conditions of farm workers can McDonald’s preserve its brand reputation among its main consumers.”

Read the letter in its entirety by clicking here. The CIW looks forward to fighting side-by-side with Chicago JwJ as the Campaign for Fair Food intensifies in McDonald’s hometown in the months ahead.