2.4 million-strong Church joins AFF in calling for Fair-Food that respects human rights, not fast-food that exploits human beings!
At its meeting in Portland, Oregon, earlier this month, the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church adopted a resolution to support the Alliance for Fair Food. The resolution:
"calls on the church to promote principles and practices of socially responsible purchasing in the corporate food industry in order to advance the human rights of farmworkers by (1) encouraging study and appropriate action on these matters by missions, parishes, dioceses, and provinces of the Episcopal Church; and (2) urge the church at every level to respond to possible calls for boycotts and other actions, shareholder resolutions, and peaceful public witness as means of advancing the goals of the resolution."
The resolution goes on to cite the historic agreement that ended the Taco Bell boycott, and commends partnership with the CIW and the Alliance for Fair Food. The Episcopal Church joins the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the General Board of Church of Society of the United Methodist Church, and the United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries in supporting the Alliance for Fair Food, bringing millions of Christians and their churches behind the campaign and before McDonald’s to demand an end to the exploitation of farmworkers in its supply chain. The CIW is honored to count the Episcopal Church among its allies.