Fair Food Nation to Wendy’s: When it comes to human rights, “expecting” is not enough. We demand respect for farmworkers’ rights, and so must Wendy’s!
The photo report from Palm Beach is ready for your review…
Saturday’s march through the exclusive island community of Palm Beach was a day to remember, even against the backdrop of 15 years of vibrant protests in the Campaign for Fair Food.
Perhaps it was the unique setting, as the march wound through some of the most exclusive real estate this country has to offer:
… or perhaps it was the company the marchers kept, including one of the greatest heroes in the fight for farmworkers’ rights of the past half century, Mrs. Ethel Kennedy:
… or perhaps it was simply the irrepressible, and irresistible, spirit of the marchers themselves, which won the hearts of so many onlookers along the 2.7 mile march route:
Whatever it was, it all added up to an unforgettable march in Palm Beach, and today we have a photo report from a distinguished team of photographers covering the events of the day from start to finish.
So without further ado, here is your grand finale — and we mean grand, because it’s a long one — photo report from the Workers’ Voice Tour!
The marchers gathered at Howard Park in West Palm Beach, where some of the kids passed the time playing with balloon animals…
… while others played air guitar with the signs (one tends to get a bit giddy after ten days on the road!).
There was some serious work to take care of, including reviewing logistics one last time with the local police assigned to the march…
… and taking a group picture before the march takes off, like Fair Food allies Women Working Together out of Miami…
… and the fine folks at the Metropolitan Community Churches of the Palm Beaches.
But soon enough the time rolled around for the march to take off…
… and a seemingly endless stream of marchers began to wind its way out of the park.
As the marchers made their way up the hill toward the bridge that connects West Palm Beach with the island of Palm Beach — passing McLaren and Jaguar dealerships along the way, where the latest models will set you back $280,000 (or roughly what a farmworker will earn in twenty years of hot, hard, and dangerous work) — they began to get the sense that this would be like no other march the CIW has held in its long, long history of protests.
But while the setting was unusual to say the least, it was by no means too big for the Tour crew and the 500 friends who had joined them on this day. In fact, the march would clearly become the talk of both towns, as countless passersby stopped to take pictures…
… and what must have been hundreds of conference-goers poured out of a convention center along the route and took a break from their meeting…
… to learn about the fight for Fair Food!
As the marchers continued on their way to Palm Beach…
… the were buoyed by the cheers of the children riding the sound truck…
… kids so unbearably cute — and hilariously creative with some of their chants –…
… that the march MC, the CIW’s own Gerardo Reyes, had a hard time keeping it together as he sought to channel the kids’ energy and keep the marchers’ spirits high.
The impossibly long march continued to snake its way toward the bridge…
… led by local resident, Mr. Peltz, who clearly knew the way.
Once the march reached the foot of the bridge, spirits — and banners — were lifted even higher…
… and the marchers more than filled the bridge from end to end…
… before landing again on the other side and taking Palm Beach’s renowned Worth Avenue by storm.
The denizens of the upscale shopping district greeted the marchers at first with somewhat skeptical eyes…
… but it wasn’t long before the marchers’ unwavering commitment, and the undeniable justice of their cause, won the onlookers over…
… and those skeptical stares turned to smiles and welcoming waves of support.
The marchers continued their way down the impossibly posh avenue…
… with their message of long-overdue economic justice loud and clear.
Finally, the marchers made their way out of the shopping district and into the homestretch, winding through residential streets where the homes are hidden behind thick privacy hedges…
… on their way to a well-deserved rest at the Workers’ Voice Tour’s final stop under the shade of the banyan trees on South Lake Drive.
After nearly 3 miles and 3 hours on their feet, most marchers took to the seats provided for the final rally…
… but others couldn’t resist finding a seat in the massive trees themselves…
… including the very best seats high above the crowd.
The final rally hit the high notes of the ten-day tour, including one last performance of the “Marriage of Wendy’s and the Tomato of Wrath”…
… and still more stirring speeches by CIW leaders and their allies…
… capping off a tour full of profound reflections and remarkable oratory.
But after a long day, and after an even longer tour, it was finally time to slow down and wrap up an unforgettable ten days…
… with a last picture with friends — here members of the CIW the Alliance for Fair Food join with some incredible organizers from Gainesville that made the unforgettable protest at the University of Florida possible — to preserve the memories.
Check back soon for the final media round-up from the Tour!