Workers’ Voice Tour pauses to celebrate International Women’s Day with a powerful reflection on women, the struggle for justice worldwide…
Yesterday, as millions of women and men across the world came together to celebrate International Women’s Day 2016, the Workers’ Voice Tour members gathered into a circle in a park in Cincinnati, Ohio, under the shade of some tall oak trees readying for the spring’s flush of new growth, for a moment of reflection. Now midway through the five-city tour, the ever-tighter group of tour participants stepped back from the bustle of high-spirited actions, lively community gatherings, and long hours of travel to give thanks for women who fight for justice.
We wanted to take a quick break from our regular reporting to share a short video collection of a few of the most memorable moments from that reflection (of course, tomorrow be sure to check back again for a full report from all the action in Louisville and Nashville, as the Workers’ Voice Tour makes its way back home and to the big action in Palm Beach). We hope the video can do justice to what was truly an exceptional conversation in the midst of a most extraordinary tour:
Check back tomorrow for more from the Mid-South…