The true story behind our food…

Before our food makes its way to the produce aisle or the restaurant table, it passes through the hands of farmworkers.  For far too long, those hands were invisible, the conditions under which they labored erased – the hot sun and long days, the stolen wages and fear of speaking out, the forced labor and sexual violence, all out of sight, and out of mind.  Today, as workers and consumers united, we have lifted the veil that kept farmworker abuse and exploitation our food system’s shameful secret for generations.  Together, we are telling the true story behind our food, recognizing the dignity of the backbreaking labor that goes into planting, cultivating, and harvesting our nation’s fruits and vegetables, capturing the common humanity connecting farmworkers and consumers across the vast produce supply chain.

This beautiful comic, illustrated by Raisha Friedman – one such ally, who is contributing her phenomenal talent to our end of year fundraising drive – showcases that powerful connection between farmworkers and consumers.  It is this union that has built a human rights movement driven to unprecedented success by the individual decisions of hundreds of thousands of consumers over the years who have chosen to learn the true story behind their food, and then taken action alongside farmworkers to create real and lasting change.

Your contribution helps write the next chapters of our shared story.

Join our drive to welcome 1,000 new Fair Food Program donors by contributing before December 31st .