Archbishop Thomas Wenski: “Even as I extend my congratulations, it is with a heavy heart that I must also recognize the plight of farmworkers who do not yet labor in the light of justice & dignity.”
“Many years ago, we took another long walk together, & my words still ring true: ‘In this long march of ours, there is no tiredness. You may feel tired, your feet may be tired, but you’re not tired for seeking justice, for seeking a better life for all our brothers & sisters.'”
In just a few days, farmworkers from Immokalee and their allies will gather in the shadow of a ramshackle labor camp located in the agricultural community of Pahokee, Florida — the very same camp where workers were held against their will in the most recent forced labor prosecution — for the launch of our five-day, 50-mile march from Pahokee to Palm Beach, and already letters of support are coming in from around the nation. One such letter, a powerful message of solidarity that we just can’t keep to ourselves, arrived this week from the Archbishop of Miami, Reverend Thomas Wenski, a longtime friend of the CIW and the Fair Food Program.
We are humbled by Archbishop Wenski’s generous words of support, as we are by the expressions of solidarity arriving daily in Immokalee from across the Fair Food nation. You can read the Archbishop’s letter in full below. And if you too, like Archbishop Wenski, are inspired by the marchers’ commitment and want to express your own well wishes as we embark on this five-day journey through Florida’s fields to the billionaire enclave of Palm Beach, you can send your letters to: workers@ciw-online.org
And, of course, if you want to join us for the big, final day of the march, click here to register now!