24 hours left to donate to the Fair Food Program in 2024, can you help us reach our goal?

To date, we have raised $1,850,000 and we need just $150,000 more from Fair Food Program supporters to reach our $2 million goal! Remember, every gift made now will be matched 100%.

In this joyous holiday season, we want to begin by offering our deepest gratitude for each and every donation we have received from supporters like you since we launched the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in a borrowed room from Our Lady of Guadalupe Church here in Immokalee over 30 years ago. 

Your support over the years has helped make it possible for the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program to grow from a small community-based farmworker organization laser-focused on ending longstanding abuses in the fields of southwest Florida, into a groundbreaking worker-driven movement pioneering a new paradigm for protecting human rights in global supply chains that is dramatically transforming workers’s lives on multiple continents today. And in the process, the Fair Food Program’s unique model of Worker-driven Social Responsibility (WSR) has won recognition from human rights experts and industry leaders alike for its unprecedented success in guaranteeing supplier compliance with fundamental human rights standards through a powerful mix of buyer-enforced market incentives and consequences.

Thanks to that remarkable expansion, millions of workers, empowered by those market-based incentives, have become front-line monitors of their own rights in produce fields and textile sweatshops around the globe; and now millions more, from fishers off the Northeast coast of Scotland, to farmworkers on the plantations of South America and in the greenhouses of Europe, are seeking our support to help incubate and launch their own Worker-driven Social Responsibility programs.

And we can’t do that without your continued support!  We only have one day left to reach our 2024 fundraising goal, so if you have not yet given, please do so — the Fair Food Program’s return on investment in human rights is unparalleled, especially this holiday season with the generous pledge to match your donations dollar for dollar from the NoVo Foundation!  Their current matching fund will apply to cash gifts and other gifts as well (including  stock transfers and material donations like automobiles).

There is no holiday gift you can give this year that guarantees a better return — as measured in greater justice, dignity, and respect for human rights in the workplace for those who need it most — than a donation to the CIW and the Fair Food Program!

Donate to the Fair Food Program today!