When farmworker lives are on the line, the Fair Food Program guarantees essential protections

As hard as it may be to imagine, farmworkers on most farms in the US do not have guaranteed access to clean drinking water, bathrooms, shade, or even habitable housing. Working in the fields, farmworkers are all too often exposed to dangerous pesticides, sweltering summer heat, lightning storms and hurricanes — and if they complain, they can lose the jobs that mark the thin line between their families and abject poverty.

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all farmworkers on Fair Food farms, the FFP’s market-backed standards protect against all of these harsh working conditions. On Fair Food Program farms across the country — and internationally — farmworkers enjoy essential health and safety standards including:

  • Protected access to clean water (and water with electrolytes), bathrooms, shade, and regular life-saving work breaks
  • Shelter from dangerous weather conditions including hurricanes and lightning
  • Protection from pesticide exposure
  • Safe and secure housing where rent payments do not reduce wages below minimum wage
  • Participation in Worker Health and Safety Committees

Reina, a farmworker on an FFP farm, explains it best: “On the farms, there have been many changes. We have bathrooms, that’s one of the things we really needed. There is more respect on the farm, there are no more abuses…thanks to the Fair Food Program. These changes are now on many farms, but there are many more farms out there yet to be covered.” 

Further, as climate change accelerates and life-threatening heat waves become increasingly common, the FFP has acted quickly to adapt its worker-informed Code of Conduct to meet the urgency of the moment. After yet another record hot summer in 2021, the CIW and FFP Participating Growers convened to amend the program’s Code to include a unique set of mandatory heat protections. These novel protections require shade, water, rest breaks, training on heat stress response and prevention, and the right to stop working and seek medical treatment – all without fear of retaliation. Earlier this year, the FFP’s Working Group of CIW and grower representatives convened again and added the mandatory provision of electrolytes for farmworkers as well, following the latest science showing that water with electrolytes far surpasses water alone in protecting workers from the long-term damage of exposure to high heat. The Washington Post heralded the FFP’s industry-leading protections as “America’s strongest workplace heat rules” on its front page earlier this year. 

To continue this essential work protecting farmworkers’ lives in the fields, the Fair Food Program relies on the support of conscientious consumers and farmworker allies like you. 

Your generous end-of-year donation will help us extend the FFP’s best-in-class protections to thousands of more workers in 2025. Here are some of the concrete ways your giving can fuel the FFP’s essential, life-saving services: 

  • $10,000 funds the FFSC complaint hotline for 3 months
  • $7,500 allows the FFP staff to audit a new farm
  • $5,000 provides comprehensive farmworker rights education on a new FFP farm
  • $1,000 helps us investigate and resolves a health or safety violation 

And this holiday season we have even better news: The NoVo Foundation has agreed to match your donation, dollar for dollar!  By doubling your gift, the NoVo Foundation’s matching pledge will double the real world prevention your donation makes possible.

Thank you, again and always, for your untiring support for the CIW and commitment to fundamental human rights. With supporters like you, the CIW’s groundbreaking Fair Food Program will continue to set the standard for life-changing protections in the fields in 2025, and beyond!

Donate to the Fair Food Program!