Video & Galleries

Over the last twenty years, we have committed ourselves to inspiring, honest and hard-hitting documentation of the CIW’s movement for farmworker justice. The many dozens of videos produced by the CIW provide a raw look at the highlights of the CIW’s major actions and events across the country, as well as a rigorous historical analysis of farm labor, in-depth interviews with farmworkers and allies about the Campaign and Fair Food Program, and finally, a window into the daily lives of farmworkers today.

[button link=”” color=”silver” text=”dark” window=”yes”]Check out the full collection at our YouTube Channel![/button]

“One of the great human rights success stories of our day”: The Fair Food Program

PBS Frontline: “A Voice for Workers”

“One program in Florida takes on the ‘dark underbelly of American agriculture,’ finding a way to ensure tomato growers protect workers’ basic rights.”


Photo Gallery:  Fair Food Program

Photo Gallery:  In Immokalee

Photo Gallery:  In the Fields