Jon Esformes, CEO of Sunripe Certified Brands: “In 2010 when we partnered there were a lot of folks who said we were crazy. And maybe we were… I mean farmers and farmworkers coming together to ensure a fair and safe workplace. That’s nuts. Within a few months the evidence was clear that the program worked and the culture in our farms was changing for the better.”

Gerardo Reyes Chavez, CIW: “To protect workers and give the program’s human rights standards real teeth, the FPP harnessed buyers ’massive market power to reward growers who respected their workers’ rights and to stop buying from farms where workers were mistreated.”

As the Fair Food Program expands dramatically across the US and receives national and international attention as a blueprint for guaranteeing workers' essential rights in a wide variety of industries, two FFP leaders gave a joint TED Talk -- a rare "duet" in TED Talk parlance -- on the groundbreaking partnership at the heart of the Program. Gerardo Reyes Chavez, a farmworker and senior staff member of the CIW, and Jon Esformes, CEO of Sunripe Certified Brands and the first major grower to join the FFP back in 2010, shared the TED stage in New York where they discussed what the FFP's transformative power means to them and to the broader agricultural industry. As Esformes said during the talk: "From tomatoes to flowers to seafood we’ve created the basis for real and sustainable change."

The two-day TED event featured a wide array of academics and industry experts discussing ways to mitigate the growing impacts of climate change and build a resilient, sustainable food system that includes protections for all those whose labor feeds the rest of the world in an age of rapidly rising temperatures. 

Chosen to deliver the event’s closing talk, Chavez and Esformes spoke to the audience of climate change experts and human rights advocates about the heat stress provisions of the Program — protections recently called “America’s strongest workplace heat rules” by The Washington Post — and the urgent need to expand the Presidential Medal-winning program as far and wide as possible. 

Check out their full TED Talk below, and stay tuned for more news on the Fair Food Program's nationwide expansion!




Vox takes a deep dive into the Fair Food Program, Worker-driven Social Responsibility’s global rise

July 12, 2024

Vox: “A binding contract is crucial to worker-driven social responsibility, a sharp contrast to those toothless corporate social responsibility initiatives.” Lucas Benitez, farmworker and co-founder of the CIW: “With [worker-driven social responsibility], we’re no longer letting the foxes guard the henhouse. We as workers are protecting our own rights.” As Worker-driven Social Responsibility (WSR) programs come online across the world — from the farm fields of the US to the textile factories of Asia and the fishing fleets of the North Sea — the innovative model is winning increasing recognition as the new paradigm for protecting human rights in global […]

“Benefits for all:” Fair Food Program and participating grower Rancho Durazno featured in Colorado press

June 25, 2024

Gwen Cameron, owner of Rancho Durazno: “[The Fair Food Program is] not the only social responsibility certification out there for farm workers, but one of the few with real teeth that holds farmers and buyers accountable.” Keep it Colorado: “Workers benefit from increased pay by the Fair Food premium, which buyers cover. Following an annual farm audit, workers receive the protections and benefits required by law. They also benefit from the work of a new health and safety committee as well as an anonymous 24- hour hotline.” Last week, we shared the exciting news that the Fair Food Program — […]

CIW, Fair Food Program join Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, FFP Participating Farmers for Announcement of Historic Program!

June 19, 2024

Fair Food Program set to expand to 27 more farms, 13 more states with support from United States Department of Agriculture USDA announcement marks latest instance of CIW/FFP innovations adopted as policy by the public sector  USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack: “Improving working conditions and quality of life for farmworkers, both U.S. based workers and those that come to our country to work, is one key step in building a stronger, more resilient food supply chain.” Cruz Salucio, CIW, Fair Food Program: “We are very happy to join with the USDA today in launching this project and providing this incentive to […]

A unique TED Talk highlights the life-saving protections of the Fair Food Program

June 13, 2024

Gerardo Reyes Chavez, CIW: “To protect workers and give the program’s human rights standards real teeth, the FPP harnessed buyers ’massive market power to reward growers who respected their workers’ rights and to stop buying from farms where workers were mistreated.” Jon Esformes, CEO of Sunripe Certified Brands: “In 2010 when we partnered there were a lot of folks who said we were crazy. And maybe we were… I mean farmers and farmworkers coming together to ensure a fair and safe workplace. That’s nuts. Within a few months the evidence was clear that the program worked and the culture in […]

How Worker-driven Social Responsibility is ushering in a new day of human rights in the global economy

June 11, 2024

CIW: “The promise of Worker-driven Social Responsibility – a model by which workers are able to define and enforce their own rights – is to modernize workers’ human rights by flipping market incentives and conditioning profits on respect for workers’ human rights.” “Workers everywhere deserve safety, dignity, and a fair wage: with the emergence of WSR, they now have a novel tool to empower themselves to become the frontline monitors of their own rights, and to usher in a new day of real, measurable human rights enforcement in the global economy.” Against a backdrop of cascading climate catastrophes; surging authoritarian […]

The CIW mourns those farmworkers killed in the May 14 bus crash, calls for greater protections for all farmworkers

May 21, 2024

  Lucas Benitez, CIW: “It hurts to think about how their families have yet to learn about this, that their loved ones cannot come home to their country and hug their children, their spouses, their parents.” At 6:30 in the morning of Tuesday, May 14, an oncoming pick-up truck veered out of its lane on a two-lane stretch of State Road 40 near the central Florida town of Ocala and sideswiped a bus full of farmworkers heading to the fields to harvest watermelons. The collision caused the bus to swerve off the narrow road and lose control, careening first into […]

The making of Esperanza, a 15 foot animated puppet championing the hopes of farmworkers

May 6, 2024

It has been nearly two months since the debut of Esperanza – a 15 foot animated farmworker puppet, who as her name reveals, embodies the hopes of farmworkers for dignity and freedom in the fields. Her first major public appearance came at the first-ever Farmworker Freedom Festival in Palm Beach, FL, which culminated in a powerful ceremony designed to bring the Fair Food Nation’s message of hope home to Wendy’s Board Chair Nelson Peltz.  Farmworkers, their families and their allies gathered in a gorgeous park across the street from Peltz’s beachside mansion, where they shared, framed by giant banyan trees, the […]

“Food, Inc. 2”, featuring the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, is officially out in theaters and on streaming platforms!

April 22, 2024

Gerardo Reyes Chavez, farmworker and senior staff member of the CIW, speaking on a panel at the DC screening of “Food, Inc. 2:” “Workers in other parts of the US and the globe today want to replicate the protections we have created for workers in the fields in their own realities…. The time for Worker-driven Social Responsibility has come.” Senator Cory Booker on Mr. Chavez and the CIW:“Sincerely, I was floored and blown away by what this man has accomplished with others in organizing both here in the United States and across the world, giving people not just dignity and fair […]

Fair Food Program, Worker-driven Social Responsibility hailed in new analysis of DOL study on worker voice

April 15, 2024

Thea Lee, Department of Labor’s deputy undersecretary for international affairs on the original Department of Labor report: “We commissioned the report,” she said, “precisely because there are so many versions of inadequate worker voice or social audits or corporate-driven compliance programs. We really wanted to have a well-researched, well-articulated framework with clear examples that would be of real value to corporations, to government, to unions and to organizers who are trying to create something better for workers.” Lee on the CIW: “The Coalition was really able to make something out of nothing. They were able to leverage the power of the […]

MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving gives $2 million to fuel expansion of Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program

April 5, 2024

Lupe Gonzalo, farmworker and CIW staff member: “Continuing to expand is quite urgent. It’s quite important because only this path of the Fair Food Program has made a difference for thousands of workers.”  A few days ago, we announced a partnership with Spanish farmworkers to explore building the first-ever Worker-driven Social Responsibility program in the EU.  Today we have another exciting piece of news to share: MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving has announced that the Fair Food Standards Council (FFSC) – the third-party monitoring organization responsible for enforcing the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program (FFP)  – will receive a grant […]