The Fair Food Program website has a new look!



As part of the year-long celebration of the FFP's first decade of groundbreaking progress in the fields, we're upgrading the FFP's digital presence, too! 

In addition to the new look, we've made a few changes to the site that reflect how much the Program has grown since it first launched.  These additions include new pages just for growers, buyers, and consumers, and a page for our brand new category of partners: Fair Food Sponsors.

The new Fair Food Program site will be a one-stop shop for information about the Fair Food Program, including the most up-to-date list of participating farms and retailers, FAQs and downloadable resources, data and Program results from the Fair Food Standards Council, Program news and media hits, videos, testimonials, and more! 

Finally, because the full story of the Fair Food Program remains to be written, the new website was designed with a flexible framework that will allow us to add more features and pages as the Program grows. 

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