The Beasts From the East Causing Unrest in the Midwest!

Rolando sighting in Pilsen?


This just in:

Ronald Mc. Donald’s half brother, Rolando, was spotted this past Sunday in a Chicago McD’s. Rolando was seen ordering a sandwich then demanding his money back after realizing his sandwich was laced!

Laced with tomatoes picked by the hands of modern day sweatshop laborers. Rolando was heard exclaiming he wouldn’t eat the sandwich because, “My name is Rolando, I have morals!”

As he waited for the manager to arive at the crowded scene, customers became curious. Unbeknownst to the employees or the manager, Rolando carried with him the signatures of dozens of local concerned citizens and patrons.

Soon after being advised that the manager was too busy to meet with a clown, the scene grew tense. Employees attempted to refrain Rolando from speaking to the crowd about the conditions of farmworkers in Florida.

But before leaving with his money back and reciept in hand Rolando the Clown demanded that the management recieve the dozens of signed letters in support of the farmworkers. One entering patron asked when seeing Rolando the clown exiting the establishment, “Is this for Halloween?”

The response, “No this is for the injustice!”

Video Coming Soon!!!!