Mr. John Chidsey, CEO
Burger King Corporation Office
5505 Blue Lagoon Drive
Miami, FL 33126

Dear Mr. Chidsey,

In this season of Advent, we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, with anticipation and excitement.  This year, Episcopalians throughout Southeast Florida also wait in anticipation for Burger King to live out Christ’s call to us on Earth and ensure fair wages and dignity for farmworkers in its supply chain.  We wait for Burger King to embrace partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and take action to remedy the sub-poverty wages and inhumane working conditions endured by the farmworkers who pick its tomatoes. 

The CIW is an internationally respected, worker-led, farmworker organization that has a proven track record of addressing human rights abuses in the agricultural industry and has been at the forefront of exposing and prosecuting slavery in the fields. The CIW’s innovative partnership with Yum! Brands is today directly improving farmworkers’ wages and working conditions.  It illustrates that fast-food corporations can make meaningful change in their supply chain when they require their suppliers to guarantee fair labor standards for their workers.

I urge Burger King to similarly work with the CIW to ensure real change for farmworkers in your company’s supply chain.  As you are surely aware, McDonald’s attempts to avoid justice for farmworkers through failed public relations efforts has brought them only increased scrutiny of their supply chain practices and heightened consumer pressure to enact real reforms.  By acting now, Burger King has the opportunity to distinguish itself as a true leader in the fast-food industry.

May Burger King seize the spirit of the season, and act for a more just world for all, especially the farmworkers who labor at the bottom of its supply chain. 

God’s blessings be upon you,

The Rt. Rev. Leo Frade D. D.
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida