More than one hundred students converge on Chipotle HQ in Denver!

From the Student/Farmworker Alliance (SFA) website:

“This past Friday, members of United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) joined local Denver residents for a rousing action at Chipotle headquarters in the Mile-High City, demanding that Chipotle live up to its own much-lauded “Food With Integrity” mantra and meet with the CIW.

Following the successful conclusion of the Burger King campaign, this action served as (yet another) wake-up call to Chipotle that it can no longer skirt responsibility and that our campaign in solidarity with farmworkers will only escalate until it comes to the table. This message was made explicit by this letter, delivered by a delegation of representatives from several national and local organizations.”

Check out the excellent photo report on the SFA site from the exciting action and while you’re there, you can look into plans for the SFA’s upcoming 2008 Encuentro, the annual gathering of student and youth Fair Food activists from around the country for a weekend of planning and analysis in Immokalee!

Additional Resources: You can tell Chipotle that it’s time to help improve farm labor conditions, too, with this Manager’s letter, perfect for delivery to your local Chipotle restaurant.

And for more context on the history of the relationship between the Campaign for Fair Food and Chipotle, you can read a great article from The Nation (“Want Some Basic Human Dignity with that Burrito?,” 7/29/08) and take a minute to read this Scholars’ letter to Steve Ells, penned by 36 legal, labor, and social science scholars questioning Chipotle’s commitment to human rights.

Stay tuned in the weeks ahead, as the pressure continues to build for the fast-food industry’s “sustainable food leader.”