Search Results for: fair food

Media round-up: Fair Food Program’s heat stress protections resonate across the US

Media round-up: Fair Food Program’s heat stress protections resonate across the US

[caption id="attachment_38254" align="aligncenter" width="900"] With the Smoky Mountains in the background, farmworkers with the CIW provide an early morning, worker-to-worker education session at a Pacific Tomato Growers farm in Tennessee in July, 2024.[/caption] This summer, like so many now before it, has brought deadly heat across much of the world. And with the rising heat and climate instability comes compounding >> Read More
Watch: TED Talk sheds light on the unlikely partnership at the heart of the Fair Food Program

Watch: TED Talk sheds light on the unlikely partnership at the heart of the Fair Food Program

Jon Esformes, CEO of Sunripe Certified Brands: “In 2010 when we partnered there were a lot of folks who said we were crazy. And maybe we were… I mean farmers and farmworkers coming together to ensure a fair and safe workplace. That’s nuts. Within a few months the evidence was clear that the program worked and the culture in our >> Read More
Vox takes a deep dive into the Fair Food Program, Worker-driven Social Responsibility’s global rise

Vox takes a deep dive into the Fair Food Program, Worker-driven Social Responsibility’s global rise

[caption id="attachment_28339" align="aligncenter" width="800"] An auditor with the Fair Food Standards Council interviews a farmworker as part of the Fair Food Program[/caption] Vox: “A binding contract is crucial to worker-driven social responsibility, a sharp contrast to those toothless corporate social responsibility initiatives.” Lucas Benitez, farmworker and co-founder of the CIW: “With [worker-driven social responsibility], we’re no longer letting the foxes >> Read More
“Benefits for all:” Fair Food Program and participating grower Rancho Durazno featured in Colorado press

“Benefits for all:” Fair Food Program and participating grower Rancho Durazno featured in Colorado press

[caption id="attachment_38157" align="aligncenter" width="900"] CIW staff provide an on-the-clock, worker-to-worker education session as part of the FFP, on Rancho Durazno[/caption] Gwen Cameron, owner of Rancho Durazno: “[The Fair Food Program is] not the only social responsibility certification out there for farm workers, but one of the few with real teeth that holds farmers and buyers accountable.” Keep it Colorado: “Workers >> Read More
CIW, Fair Food Program join Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, FFP Participating Farmers for Announcement of Historic Program!

CIW, Fair Food Program join Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, FFP Participating Farmers for Announcement of Historic Program!

[caption id="attachment_38188" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Cruz Salucio of the CIW speaks at last week's press conference at Rancho Durazno in Colorado[/caption] Fair Food Program set to expand to 27 more farms, 13 more states with support from United States Department of Agriculture USDA announcement marks latest instance of CIW/FFP innovations adopted as policy by the public sector  USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack: >> Read More
A unique TED Talk highlights the life-saving protections of the Fair Food Program

A unique TED Talk highlights the life-saving protections of the Fair Food Program

[caption id="attachment_38150" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Gerardo Reyes of the CIW speaks about a deeply personal experience with heat stroke while harvesting watermelons in north Florida several years ago as Jon Esformes, CEO of Sunripe Tomatoes and the first major grower to join the Fair Food Program, looks on during their recent TED talk in New York.[/caption] Gerardo Reyes Chavez, CIW: “To >> Read More
Fair Food Program, Worker-driven Social Responsibility hailed in new analysis of DOL study on worker voice

Fair Food Program, Worker-driven Social Responsibility hailed in new analysis of DOL study on worker voice

[caption id="attachment_30582" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Representatives from women’s organizations and unions based in Lesotho gather for a photo with representatives of the CIW, the Fair Food Standards Council, Workers Rights Consortium and the Solidarity Center in Immokalee to commemorate a two-day exchange in November 2018 to study the Worker-driven Social Responsibility (WSR) model and the CIW’s Fair Food Program. The visitors >> Read More
MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving gives $2 million to fuel expansion of Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program

MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving gives $2 million to fuel expansion of Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program

Lupe Gonzalo, farmworker and CIW staff member: “Continuing to expand is quite urgent. It's quite important because only this path of the Fair Food Program has made a difference for thousands of workers."  A few days ago, we announced a partnership with Spanish farmworkers to explore building the first-ever Worker-driven Social Responsibility program in the EU.  Today we have another >> Read More
“Food, Inc. 2,” the major new documentary featuring the CIW and the Fair Food Program, is coming to a city near you! 

“Food, Inc. 2,” the major new documentary featuring the CIW and the Fair Food Program, is coming to a city near you! 

The much-anticipated sequel to the Oscar-nominated 2008 documentary “Food, Inc.” will hold a nationwide "sneak preview" at 100 theaters across the US on April 9th, ahead of its national theatrical and digital release on April 12 ! Click on this link to see which theaters near you are screening “Food, Inc. 2” on April 9! Major cities hosting screenings include: >> Read More
Civil Eats: the Fair Food Program offers the strongest, legally-binding protocols to protect workers when politicians fall short

Civil Eats: the Fair Food Program offers the strongest, legally-binding protocols to protect workers when politicians fall short

[caption id="attachment_37369" align="aligncenter" width="900"] An on-the-clock, worker-to-worker education session trains farmworkers on the FFP's protections, including its heat stress standards[/caption] Gerardo Reyes Chávez, CIW, in Civil Eats: “[Farmworkers in the FFP] don’t feel pressure to keep working under conditions that are placing their lives and their health at risk. And that’s fundamentally different from what happens outside of the program." Civil >> Read More