WHAT THEY’RE SAYING ABOUT THE TACO BELL BOYCOTT VICTORY: US Congressional Hispanic Caucus: “This is a truly historic agreement, marking perhaps the single greatest advance for farm workers since the early struggles of the United Farm Workers. To the the workers and organizers of CIW, we express our deepest gratitude for their determined work for their own dignity and their historic contribution to advancing the cause of labor rights.”
Former US President/Nobel Laureate Jimmy Carter: “I commend the Coalition of Immokalee Workers for their principled leadership in this very important campaign. I am pleased Taco Bell has taken a leadership role to help reform working conditions for Florida farmworkers and has committed to use its power to effect positive human rights change. I now call on others in the industry to follow Taco Bell’s lead to help the tomato farmworkers.”
Tom Morello, former guitarist for Rage Against the Machine: “Today the Immokalee farmworkers struck a blow for dignity and human rights in the workplace and received the long overdue raise they have been fighting for. This is a major victory for the workers and demonstrates that by standing up and standing together, we can overturn any injustice. By standing up and standing together, we can change the world.”
Congressman John Lewis (D-GA): “This is a great victory for the champions of social justice and equality in America and around the world. The courageous men and women of the Coalition of the Immokalee Workers prove that standing strong in the struggle can remove the greatest obstacles, even the resistance of a goliath in corporate industry. This victory once again confirms that the methods of nonviolence can win deep and lasting change in the most powerful institutions of the world, in American government and in corporate conglomerates. I applaud all the Coalition workers who struggled and suffered for years to win greater equality for American workers.”
Eric Schlosser, author “Fast Food Nation,” in New York Times Op/Ed: “At a time of declining union membership, failed organizing drives and public apathy about poverty, a group of immigrant tomato pickers had persuaded an enormous fast food company – Yum Brands, which in addition to Taco Bell owns KFC, Pizza Hut, A&W All American Food Restaurants and Long John Silver’s – to increase the wages of migrant workers and impose a tough code of conduct on Florida tomato suppliers… Taco Bell deserves credit for acknowledging its responsibility on this issue. Now McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s and Yum’s other brands need to do the same.”
Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH): “So today we celebrate a tremendous victory of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the many farm workers who organized a very effective boycott of Taco Bell to draw attention to their plight… Burger King, McDonald’s and Wendy’s – I hope you’re watching, because you are next!”