E-ACTION ALERT!… American Rights At Work issues E-Action Alert to tell McDonald’s to "implement fair wages and real rights for the workers who pick your tomatoes" now…
American Rights At Work, a leading voice for workplace democracy in the country today, is taking on the CIW’s McDonald’s campaign with a national E-Action Alert!
Click here now to participate in an online petition demanding that McDonald’s implement fair wages and real rights for the farmworkers who pick its tomatoes. And after you sign the petition, you can help spread the word by sending the following message to 10 friends:
“Farmworkers who pick tomatoes for the fast food industry are among this country’s most exploited workers: subpoverty wages, no rights to overtime pay, no benefits of any kind.
Two years ago, Taco Bell did something about it — agreeing to pay a penny more per pound of tomatoes to double the workers’ earnings, and establishing a real code of conduct to ensure safe working conditions. But the fast food giant McDonald’s has refused to follow Taco Bell’s lead.
Consumers have joined together with religious, human rights, student, and workers’ rights groups across the country to protest McDonald’s behavior to advance real rights for these workers.
I just signed a petition to McDonald’s to urge them to do better. Will you join me? Just click here to tell McDonalds these workers deserve real rights and fair wages.”