Chipotle all a-“Twitter” over new petition!

American Rights @ Work’s Chipotle petition “top Twitter petition of the month”

ALSO: “Fresh” director signs the letter to Chipotle!

On August 10, American Rights @ Work launched a Twitter petition to Chipotle through the Twitter petition site

The petition quickly went viral. With 331 Tweets so far, it remains’s top performing Twitter petition of the month — and one of the top performing Twitter petitions of all time!

Due to the high number of tweets, Chipotle noticed the petition right away. Just two days later, on August 12, Chipotle PR Spokesman Chris Arnold responded to the petition, tweeting:

“Have we cut a deal w/ CIW? No. But we’re working w/ them, & should have growers who will pay more when we buy FL tomatoes.”

Here’s what American Rights @ Work had to say about Mr. Arnold’s curious notion of “working w/” the CIW:

“Sadly, their response is more of the same. Chipotle can’t claim they are ‘working with’ the CIW, while at the same time refusing to come to the table and even discuss signing an agreement. It takes two sides to work together, not one side unilaterally dictating terms.

As we’ve said before, let’s assume that Chipotle is sincere about its commitment to “Food with Integrity.” Let’s assume that Chipotle truly wants to be the leader in supply chain accountability with respect to human rights in the restaurant industry. If those things are true, then why in the world would Chipotle not seek to forge a true and respectful partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers?”

You too can support the AR@W petition. Signing is a great way to show your support. Be sure to ask your friends to sign by re-tweeting, too! You can sign the Twitter petition in 2 clicks by going to

Or, just tweet the following text to sign & ask your friends to do the same:
petition @ChipotleMedia to treat farmworkers who pick #Chipotle veggies with integrity (retweet to sign the petition). Thanks!

“Fresh” director signs the letter to Chipotle!

Ana Joanes, director of “Fresh,” the other documentary out this summer that “celebrates the farmers, thinkers, and business people across America who are re-inventing our food system,” has added her name to the Chipotle letter! Check out the trailer to the film here: