And so it begins…

“Month of Publix Protests” begins with a weekend full of actions around Southwest Florida!

From the Naples Daily News (“Farmworkers picket Publix wanting chain to pay more for tomatoes,” 10/17/09; all pictures are by Greg Kahn, Naples Daily News):

“About 50 farmworkers and supporters of Immokalee farmworkers picketed a Publix in Naples on Saturday morning, calling for the Florida-based grocer to pay more for tomatoes and take a stand against inhumane conditions for tomato pickers.

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers is asking the grocery store chain to pay a penny-per-pound increase on tomatoes, to be passed on to the tomato pickers, similar to what several fast food chains have done in deals with the coalition.

Despite rain, protesters stood for one hour in the median at U.S. 41 in front of the Publix across from Coastland Center mall…

… About half of the 50 demonstrators were Naples or Bonita Springs residents who support the coalition.

‘We would just like Publix to get on board with the rest of the purchasers like Burger King, Taco Bell and McDonald’s that have recognized there is a social responsibility,’ said John Dwyer, 66, who said he has supported the farmworkers for years, even before they organized the coalition.

‘They need to take a stand against modern slavery and low wages,’ his wife, Karen Dwyer, 51, said…

… The coalition was scheduled to protest later Saturday outside Publix stores in Port Charlotte and Venice and on Sunday in Sarasota. They plan to wrap up the weekend protest with a candelight vigil at 7 p.m. outside the federal courthouse in Fort Myers with a walk to a nearby Publix on McGregor Boulevard.” read more

Some scenes from the protest (see full gallery here):

Stay tuned for more updates from the first weekend of Publix actions!