“There is no labor dispute,” Part II…

“There is no labor dispute,” Part II…

Pastor writes forceful Op/Ed in response to Publix claim “we won’t get involved in middle of labor disputes” for Ft. Myers News-Press!

Rev. Jim Boler, a retired minister with the United Church of Christ, penned a compelling Op/Ed published in yesterday’s Ft. Myers News-Press, entitled “Publix involved in tomato pickers’ fate, like it or not” (10/27/09).

After explaining that several Florida farms have agreed to implement the Fair Food principles this coming season, Rev. Boler writes that Publix “has refused to participate” and instead continues to purchase tomatoes from “farms corrupted in (the) latest slavery conviction.” He goes on to write:

“… This is the Publix that received a $50,000-per-month rent subsidy from Fort Myers. Having received community support Publix must now support the farmworkers of this community.

Maria Brous, a Publix spokeswoman, is quoted as saying, “Our official position is we don’t get involved in the middle of labor disputes between our suppliers and other organizations.”

Well, Ms. Brous, Publix is already involved. I agree with Publix when it says that with more than 35,000 products it can’t get involved in all disputes with suppliers. Nor should they. But this is not just a labor dispute; this involves human rights.

How many of Publix’s suppliers are involved in actual convictions for slavery? I assume not too many. When Publix knowingly purchases tomatoes from fields tainted by the sweat of slaves (not just worker and human rights abuse but actual slavery convictions) Publix is involved in that “dispute” on the side of injustice and immorality.

In 1776 Adam Smith’s famous “Wealth of Nations,” advocating a free market economy, was published. But, before that, in 1759, Adam Smith’s “Theory of Moral Sentiments” was published, the book he considered as his “foundational” work. He said economics is not “amoral.” Any civilized social system (economic or otherwise) makes moral judgments and has moral consequences. Economics, wrote Smith, needs a moral base, which the free market does not provide.

Come on, Publix; you are much better than this. Until now your reputation has been exemplary. In this “labor dispute” moral principles should trump Publix’s company policy. Now I read that a Publix worker, claiming to be making an independent documentary, filmed our peaceful, nonviolent protests. This is a new low for Publix. Meet with the CIW. As a loyal Publix customer I expect nothing less.”

Click here to check out this must-read Op/Ed in its entirety.

And check out our own reflection on the topic here.