Immokalee’s own “La Obscuridad de la Sierra” headlined the day’s entertainment…

… drawing a huge crowd that started big and grew steadily throughout the day.

Information booths circled the space outside CIW headquarters, this one on the upcoming Farmworker Freedom March

… this one staffed by personnel from the Collier County Sheriff’s Department Human Trafficking Unit and Community Affairs department, handing out information on how to combat modern-day slavery.

Kids are at the heart of the Year of the Worker party every year…

… as are the CIW’s many organizing branches, including the women’s group, whose leaders addressed the crowd, above,…

… and the marimba group, which rocked the party with some much-appreciated music straight out of the heartland.

While La Obscuridad brought their own beats from home, though in this case home is Immokalee itself. The band — which started playing Year of the Worker parties when its fame had yet to reach beyond Immokalee — now has quite a following and has played hits from their newest album on Univision (some of which they played on Sunday, as well)…

… much to the joy of a satisfied crowd.

Your 2010 Year of the Worker Party Organizing Committee.