Trader Joe’s excoriated

Trader Joe’s excoriated
in new article by “Tomatoland” author Barry Estabrook!

“The Profound Impact of a Penny” rips Trader Joe’s for saying no to “revolution” for Florida tomato pickers…

Here’s an excerpt from today’s article at the Zester Daily “Soapbox” by Barry Estabrook, author of the hot new book on the Florida tomato industry, “Tomatoland”:

“Would you pay one penny more per pound to buy a tomato if you knew it would go a long way toward alleviating labor abuse in the fields?

When asked that question, not a single supermarket chain in the country, with the notable exception of Whole Foods Market, said yes.

No grocery giant has a legitimate excuse to pinch that extra penny, but of all the holdouts, the most perplexing is Trader Joe’s, which promotes itself as a cheerful bastion of all things ethical…” read more

Read the article in its entirety here.