When it rains, it pours…

… action for Fair Food!

For those of you who like your Fair Food protests with a touch of the crazy, well, Providence was the place to be this past Monday as the Trader Joe’s Northeast Tour crew hooked up with allies from Providence Fair Food, Fuerza Laboral, and the Environmental Justice League of RI for another Stop & Shop protest in the midst of the Trader Joe’s tour.

Providence is no stranger to rain, and so it was that, when the clouds opened up in the middle of the protest, it was like pouring fuel on a fire — rather than dampen the protesters’ spirits, the rain only underscored the urgency of the Campaign for Fair Food and its demand for farm labor justice. So, the protest continued, stronger than ever! Stormy protests sure can be exhilarating (as some readers may remember from the early days of the McDonald’s campaign, for example…).

You can check out more pictures from the Tour crew’s stop in Providence, as well as photos from the previous stop in White Plains, New York (here’s a quick preview pic from White Plains, on the right), at the complete photo report from Days 5 & 6.

Click here for all the dates and details for the Trader Joe’s Northeast Tour!

And, of course, with the Tour crew on the road, media coverage on the Campaign for Fair Food continues to grow. Here’s an excerpt from another good article, this time from alternet.org:

“But given that the vast majority of tomato growers Trader Joe’s could buy from are currently signed onto Fair Food agreements, the company’s resistance may be less about costs than about power. Even if producers are currently passing an extra penny-per-pound cost onto Trader Joe’s (there’s no way to know because the company isn’t sharing records with the CIW), Trader Joe’s may be loathe to enter an agreement that forces it to sit across the table from farmworkers, allows independent auditors to assess whether it lives up to its promises, and bars it from doing business with bad actors in the future.” read more

So, click on the link for the photo report from the Providence and White Plains actions below, and then check out the full reports from Day1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Tour:

And, of course, check back soon for more updates from the road!