As fresh Florida tomatoes arrive on the shelves, a beautiful new Fair Food poster hits the aisles — and in-store radio spots air — in Giant, Stop & Shop!
The Fair Food Program is ready for its close-up. Let the mainstream marketing of Fair Food begin!

As the Fair Food Program enters its fifth year in the fields, it does so with a solid track record under its belt of eliminating human rights abuses and raising wages for tens of thousands of farmworkers. The unique power of the program to change farmworkers’ lives is now beyond dispute, and starting this month, that power is on display before millions of consumers in the form of a beautiful new poster and an exciting in-store radio spot in grocery stores throughout the northeast.
When Ahold USA announced back in July that it would be the first major U.S. grocery chain to join the FFP, the company also committed to undertaking an ambitious marketing campaign, in collaboration with the CIW, to educate customers and promote Ahold’s partnership with Florida farmworkers. And, as promised, along with this season’s first shipments of Florida tomatoes, the Fair Food Program poster is popping up today in tomato aisles across the northeast.
The new marketing campaign doesn’t stop at the Fair Food Program poster, however. In the new year, the company’s glossy consumer magazine, Savory, will feature the Fair Food Program in a full two-page spread, reaching upwards of 13 million readers. And in the stores themselves, amidst the regular line-up of holiday jingles, customers will also hear about the Fair Food Program courtesy of an exciting new radio promo! For those of you without a Giant or Stop & Shop nearby, click on the image below to check out the announcement:
With Ahold USA leading the way — and other participating buyers soon to follow — this newest development from the Fair Food front is quite a milestone. As more and more stores from Washington, DC to Boston proudly share their participation in the Fair Food Program, millions of new consumers are learning about the CIW’s groundbreaking model for protecting farmworkers’ fundamental human rights.
Meanwhile, after years of marching alongside farmworkers, longtime Fair Food allies — like the two young Fair Food activists from New Jersey below, who have been fighting for Fair Food since they can remember and found this poster in a nearby store while out with their Dad — are finding the fruit of their own labor posted by the tomato stand or greeting them right at the entrance to their neighborhood store.
For everyone visiting Giant and Stop & Shop in the coming weeks, keep an eye out for this beautiful poster, and make sure to send along your own photos of Fair Food in the produce aisle!