Author: Coalition of Immokalee Workers

MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving gives $2 million to fuel expansion of Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program

MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving gives $2 million to fuel expansion of Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Fair Food Program

Lupe Gonzalo, farmworker and CIW staff member: “Continuing to expand is quite urgent. It's quite important because only this path of the Fair Food Program has made a difference for thousands of workers."  A few days ago, we announced a partnership with Spanish farmworkers to explore building the first-ever Worker-driven Social Responsibility program in the EU.  Today we have another >> Read More
New US Dept of Labor Report: Worker-driven Social Responsibility gives critical voice to workers, deepens democracy

New US Dept of Labor Report: Worker-driven Social Responsibility gives critical voice to workers, deepens democracy

[caption id="attachment_34458" align="aligncenter" width="900"] CIW staff members provide a mandatory, on-the-clock, worker-to-worker education session as part of the Fair Food Program[/caption] US Dept of Labor Report: "The FFP has raised compensation, reduced health and safety risks, and eliminated forced labor, child labor, and gender-based violence for approximately 30,000 workers at 20 employers supplying 14 retail, fast-food, and food-service companies.” "When authentic >> Read More
Breaking: CIW to join with Spanish farmworkers in exploration of Worker-driven Social Responsibility in Spanish Produce Industry

Breaking: CIW to join with Spanish farmworkers in exploration of Worker-driven Social Responsibility in Spanish Produce Industry

[caption id="attachment_37360" align="aligncenter" width="900"] CIW staff member Lupe Gonzalo provides an on-the-clock, worker-to-worker education session at Tuxedo Corn, CO.[/caption] Lucas Benitez, CIW co-founder: “As workers ourselves – the men and women who built this new model and experienced this remarkable change – we are excited to continue the dialogue with workers around the globe about how they can transform their industries >> Read More
“Food, Inc. 2,” the major new documentary featuring the CIW and the Fair Food Program, is coming to a city near you! 

“Food, Inc. 2,” the major new documentary featuring the CIW and the Fair Food Program, is coming to a city near you! 

The much-anticipated sequel to the Oscar-nominated 2008 documentary “Food, Inc.” will hold a nationwide "sneak preview" at 100 theaters across the US on April 9th, ahead of its national theatrical and digital release on April 12 ! Click on this link to see which theaters near you are screening “Food, Inc. 2” on April 9! Major cities hosting screenings include: >> Read More
Civil Eats: the Fair Food Program offers the strongest, legally-binding protocols to protect workers when politicians fall short

Civil Eats: the Fair Food Program offers the strongest, legally-binding protocols to protect workers when politicians fall short

[caption id="attachment_37369" align="aligncenter" width="900"] An on-the-clock, worker-to-worker education session trains farmworkers on the FFP's protections, including its heat stress standards[/caption] Gerardo Reyes Chávez, CIW, in Civil Eats: “[Farmworkers in the FFP] don’t feel pressure to keep working under conditions that are placing their lives and their health at risk. And that’s fundamentally different from what happens outside of the program." Civil >> Read More
Media round-up of the Farmworker Freedom Festival’s Day 3 Pilgrimage of Hope

Media round-up of the Farmworker Freedom Festival’s Day 3 Pilgrimage of Hope

[caption id="attachment_37943" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Farmworkers and consumers view an exhibit documenting “A Day in the Life of the Fair Food Program” as part of the CIW’s mobile Modern-day Slavery Museum in Bradley Park.[/caption] Lupe Gonzalo, CIW: "We wanted as workers to leave the place where we live and the place where we work, and come here to the place Nelson >> Read More
4 Ways to support the upcoming Farmworker Freedom Festival!

4 Ways to support the upcoming Farmworker Freedom Festival!

1) COME TO THE FESTIVAL! If you’re in Florida, register today to join farmworkers and their allies for three days of celebrating farmworkers’ human rights and the Fair Food Program 2) DONATE: If you’re unable to participate in person, you can join our campaign to raise funds for the festival's needs 3) SEND A SOLIDARITY MESSAGE: Write a message or send a >> Read More
Release: First-ever Farmworker Freedom Festival to celebrate human rights gains of the Fair Food Program, call on corporate holdout Wendy’s to join

Release: First-ever Farmworker Freedom Festival to celebrate human rights gains of the Fair Food Program, call on corporate holdout Wendy’s to join

A 3-day celebration of farmworker culture and fundamental human rights featuring the CIW’s mobile Modern-day Slavery Museum, a benefit concert, and original theater and art, including a two-story tall farmworker puppet named Esperanza giving voice to the country’s 1.5 million farmworkers in their ongoing fight for fundamental human rights Press and Media opportunities: March 8, 1 PM - 340 S >> Read More
Washington Post heralds Fair Food Program’s groundbreaking heat illness prevention standards!

Washington Post heralds Fair Food Program’s groundbreaking heat illness prevention standards!

[caption id="attachment_37735" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Farmworkers in GA attending an on-the-clock, worker-to-worker education session on their rights under the Fair Food Program[/caption] Washington Post, "These farmworkers created America’s strongest workplace heat rules," 2/17/24: * "Leonel Pérez remembers when conditions on tomato farms were very different. He started picking tomatoes when he was 20. Summers were hot and humid. Workers sometimes fainted >> Read More