Search Results for: fair food

Fair Food Program expansion makes headlines in Colorado!

Fair Food Program expansion makes headlines in Colorado!

[caption id="attachment_37228" align="aligncenter" width="900"] CIW staff provide on-the-clock education to workers on their rights at Tuxedo Corn, 2022.[/caption] Gwen Cameron, owner,Rancho Durazno: “It’s a good way to communicate our values to our customers. I think the general public has become more aware of and interested in the treatment of ag workers and the Fair Food Program made me realize we need >> Read More
Powerful new report out of Harvard Law School hails Fair Food Program as model for human rights in the 21st century

Powerful new report out of Harvard Law School hails Fair Food Program as model for human rights in the 21st century

[caption id="attachment_28932" align="aligncenter" width="800"] The CIW's Nely Rodriguez (right) leads a conversation on protection against retaliation under the Fair Food Program during a recent Worker-to-Worker Education session on a Fair Food Program Participating Farm, as two volunteers display an FFP drawing depicting a supervisor scolding a worker for speaking up on the job.[/caption] New report from Harvard Law School Center >> Read More
“We are making history”: Week-long visit to birthplace of Fair Food Program by Chilean delegation helps fuel FFP expansion

“We are making history”: Week-long visit to birthplace of Fair Food Program by Chilean delegation helps fuel FFP expansion

[caption id="attachment_37003" align="aligncenter" width="900"] A delegation of Chilean growers, human rights advocates, and government officials gather with CIW and Fair Food Standards Council representatives, Fair Food Program Participating Buyers and Growers, and US government officials outside the offices of the CIW in Immokalee, FL[/caption] "We are making history," said Angel Garcia, Human Resources Manager at Pacific Tomato Growers/Sunripe Certified Brands.  >> Read More
John Oliver segment on farmworkers, Fair Food Program garners millions of views!

John Oliver segment on farmworkers, Fair Food Program garners millions of views!

The latest segment on Last Week Tonight hosted by John Oliver focuses on the plight of farmworkers in this country, and champions the Fair Food Program as a successful model of human rights protection that can guarantee farmworkers their basic rights. So far, the YouTube upload of the segment alone has garnered over 2.5 million views, generating a small cascade >> Read More
BREAKING: New York City Council officially — and resoundingly — calls on Wendy’s “to join the Fair Food Program and support farmworkers’ human rights”!

BREAKING: New York City Council officially — and resoundingly — calls on Wendy’s “to join the Fair Food Program and support farmworkers’ human rights”!

[caption id="attachment_36922" align="aligncenter" width="799"] CIW's Lupe Gonzalo and Marley Monacello (second and third, from left) gather to celebrate with members of the New York City Council, Carmen de la Rosa, Councilmember Eric Dinowitz, and Councilmember Rita Joseph, the day that New York City Resolution 131 in support of the Fair Food Program and Wendy's Boycott passed the City Council with >> Read More
Fair Food Program’s international expansion, cut flower partner Bloomia, featured in the industry press!

Fair Food Program’s international expansion, cut flower partner Bloomia, featured in the industry press!

[caption id="attachment_34074" align="aligncenter" width="925"] The CIW's worker-to-worker education team informs workers of their rights under the Fair Food Program at Bloomia's tulip growing and processing operation in Virginia in 2021.[/caption] Flower Power Daily: "All it takes is one person in power to change the status quo and make it fairer." Werner Jansen, Bloomia CEO: "If a company as large and successful >> Read More
Florida media highlights 5-day, 50 mile farmworker march from Pahokee to Palm Beach championing the Fair Food Program

Florida media highlights 5-day, 50 mile farmworker march from Pahokee to Palm Beach championing the Fair Food Program

WGCU: "Gonzalo... lived in fear of speaking up. But one day, it was just too much. She asked for some water.  She was told to drink from the ditch. This is why Lupe Gonzalo marches." Palm Beach Post: "According to the coalition, 'two parallel worlds exist side-by-side within the farming community: the world of freedom from abuse on farms in the >> Read More
US Department of Labor Awards $2.5 Million Grant to Fuel Fair Food Program’s International Expansion

US Department of Labor Awards $2.5 Million Grant to Fuel Fair Food Program’s International Expansion

[caption id="attachment_34085" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Workers attend to tulips at Fair Food Program Participating Grower Bloomia's farm in Virginia. Bloomia's operations in Chile and South Africa will also join the Fair Food Program in an expansion made possible by a USDOL grant announced yesterday.[/caption] Department of Labor Award "to assess and expand the successful Fair Food Program model with a pilot >> Read More
PRESS RELEASE: CIW announces march to celebrate 10+ years of progress under Fair Food Program, calls on holdouts Wendy’s, Kroger, and Publix to help finish the job of eradicating forced labor

PRESS RELEASE: CIW announces march to celebrate 10+ years of progress under Fair Food Program, calls on holdouts Wendy’s, Kroger, and Publix to help finish the job of eradicating forced labor

[caption id="attachment_26379" align="aligncenter" width="807"] Workers on a Fair Food Program farm gather for an FFP worker-to-worker education session, led by members of the CIW Education Team, before heading into the fields to harvest tomatoes that will bear the Fair Food Program label. FFP education sessions take place on the clock and in the fields, and inform workers at least twice >> Read More
BREAKING: US Department of Labor press release on latest forced labor prosecution names buyers, including Fair Food Program holdout Kroger

BREAKING: US Department of Labor press release on latest forced labor prosecution names buyers, including Fair Food Program holdout Kroger

  US Department of Labor press release: "Los Villatoros Harvesting LLC employed workers to harvest watermelons for Carlton Farms Inc., operating as Sun Fresh Farms Inc. in Wauchula, Florida, for sale to Walmart and Kroger locations. In Indiana, the employer provided crews for Cardinal Farms in Oaktown and Wonning Melons in Vincennes to pack melons for sale through a distributor >> Read More