Category: A New Day in the Fields: September 2010 – December 2011

Ohio Fair Food to Kroger: We will not be moved…

Ohio Fair Food to Kroger: We will not be moved…

... by half-measures and corporate double-talk! This past Thursday, Kroger executives and shareholders gathered in Cincinnati, Ohio, for what was supposed to be a light-hearted, festive affair celebrating the company's economic success, marked by 30 consecutive quarters of sales growth. But the party was crashed (figuratively, mind you) by an exciting new Fair Food committee, Ohio Fair Food, whose members >> Read More
NY Times’ columnist Mark Bittman challenges his considerable readership

NY Times’ columnist Mark Bittman challenges his considerable readership

NY Times' columnist Mark Bittman challenges his considerable readership to demand supermarkets support Campaign for Fair Food! "Bit by bit, things have improved... We can actually help them get better"... Following his visit to Immokalee in May, widely-read New York Times food writer and opinion columnist Mark Bittman penned a quick reflection for his blog, and promised to return to >> Read More
NC protesters: “Quiznos has no biznos…”

NC protesters: “Quiznos has no biznos…”

"... paying less for our tomatoes!" Students took to the streets in Winston Salem, North Carolina -- with the venerable Student Action with Farmworkers -- in a colorful and creative protest last week outside a local Quiznos. Here's a first-hand photo report, straight from our long-time allies at SAF: Friday June 3, 2011, in Winston Salem, North Carolina, thirty students >> Read More
Trader Joe’s excoriated

Trader Joe’s excoriated

Trader Joe's excoriated in new article by "Tomatoland" author Barry Estabrook! "The Profound Impact of a Penny" rips Trader Joe's for saying no to "revolution" for Florida tomato pickers... Here's an excerpt from today's article at the Zester Daily "Soapbox" by Barry Estabrook, author of the hot new book on the Florida tomato industry, "Tomatoland": "Would you pay one penny >> Read More
Trader Joe’s customers talk back…

Trader Joe’s customers talk back…

Fair Food activists talk with customers at a recent protest in New York City. On the right, a Trader Joe's representative stands by. "Note to Trader Joe's from its customers, via the CIW" puts the exclamation point on the Trader Joe's trilogy With its recent "Note to our Customers on Florida tomatoes and the CIW," Trader Joe's tried to reassure >> Read More