Search Results for: fair food

800+ marchers take to the streets of Palm Beach calling on Wendy’s to join the Fair Food Program!

800+ marchers take to the streets of Palm Beach calling on Wendy’s to join the Fair Food Program!

Fast Company:  "If you get a burger from McDonald’s, a sandwich from Subway, or a taco from Taco Bell, you can be assured that the tomatoes on top were picked without forced labor or human rights violations; all have partnered with the Fair Food Program. But one notable fast-food chain has not: Wendy’s..." Like a levee finally giving way to >> Read More
The Fair Food Program website has a new look!

The Fair Food Program website has a new look!

  [video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]   As part of the year-long celebration of the FFP's first decade of groundbreaking progress in the fields, we're upgrading the FFP's digital presence, too!  In addition to the new look, we've made a few changes to the site that reflect how much the Program has grown since it first launched.  These additions include new >> Read More
Announcing First Fair Food Program Sponsor in Tennessee!

Announcing First Fair Food Program Sponsor in Tennessee!

  Knoxville’s Three Rivers Market becomes Tennessee’s first Fair Food Sponsor, commits to supporting groundbreaking farmworker human rights program!   KNOXVILLE, TN, February 17, 2021 – Three Rivers Market, a leader in the sustainable food movement and longtime community institution in Knoxville, TN, will join a growing partnership to support the award-winning Fair Food Program (FFP), a worker-driven human rights >> Read More
US Department of Labor lifts up Fair Food Program as national model for eradicating forced labor!

US Department of Labor lifts up Fair Food Program as national model for eradicating forced labor!

CIW's unparalleled experience in combatting -- and, most importantly, preventing -- modern-day slavery in agriculture offers lessons for growers, buyers, and human rights activists alike in USDOL's widely-watched virtual panel; Miguel Rios, Regional Agricultural Enforcement Coordinator with the USDOL: The Fair Food Program "is something every grower and food retailer should be a part of.  The program's success is absolutely undeniable." >> Read More
“The Next Supper:” New book on the future of food features CIW, Fair Food Program!

“The Next Supper:” New book on the future of food features CIW, Fair Food Program!

New book "a searing expose of the restaurant industry, and a path to a better, safer, happier meal"; Author Mintz: "The victories of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers are based on getting people to give a damn.  That's what grassroots movements need from us"; Reviewer: "A former line cook turned crusading food writer, Mintz looks deep into the dark heart >> Read More
Growing wave of brutal modern-day slavery operations in agriculture prompts renewed calls for expansion of Fair Food Program

Growing wave of brutal modern-day slavery operations in agriculture prompts renewed calls for expansion of Fair Food Program

[caption id="attachment_34904" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Officials from the U.S. Justice Department, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. State Department, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and state and local law enforcement officers speak at a news conference in Waycross, Georgia on Monday, November 22, to announce indictments in the case of U.S. v. Patricio et al.[/caption] Atlanta Journal-Constitution: >> Read More
Ten years of Fair Food in the books…  What might the next decade hold?

Ten years of Fair Food in the books… What might the next decade hold?

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]   The first decade of the Fair Food Program has been a steady climb of progress punctuated by spectacular moments of victory, and a growing recognition of the effectiveness of the new worker-driven movement for human rights.  In just ten years, the Fair Food Program has grown to include fourteen major buyers, covering tens of thousands >> Read More
It’s Official: Watkins Farm of North Carolina joins the Fair Food Program!

It’s Official: Watkins Farm of North Carolina joins the Fair Food Program!

[caption id="attachment_34791" align="aligncenter" width="886"] CIW's farmworker education team visited Watkins Farm in June 2021 when the NC sweet potato operation joined as a new FFP Participating Grower[/caption] Fair Food Program expansion continues apace with new crop and new state, with the help of North Carolina-based organic produce broker Happy Dirt and longtime FFP Participating Buyer Whole Foods... Farmer Randall Watkins >> Read More
Bring the Fair Food Program to Your Neighborhood!

Bring the Fair Food Program to Your Neighborhood!

[caption id="attachment_28860" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Nearly two thousand New Yorkers join farmworkers from Immokalee for a massive march through Manhattan as part of the Wendy's Boycott in 2019.[/caption] SURVEY: Tell us about your local food co-op or independent grocer and if they might help support the award-winning Fair Food Program! Remember life, and the Fair Food movement, before the pandemic?...   >> Read More
RELEASED: 2021 Fair Food Program Report

RELEASED: 2021 Fair Food Program Report

Today we are thrilled to preview the 2021 Fair Food Program “State of the Program Report!" QUICK LINK: 2021 Fair Food Program Report Ten years in, one of many factors that continue to elevate the Fair Food Program over less rigorous “social auditing” and PR-driven corporate social responsibility schemes is the Program’s level of data collection, analysis, and transparency of >> Read More