Category: A New Day in the Fields: September 2010 – December 2011

 When it rains, it pours…

 When it rains, it pours…

... action for Fair Food! For those of you who like your Fair Food protests with a touch of the crazy, well, Providence was the place to be this past Monday as the Trader Joe's Northeast Tour crew hooked up with allies from Providence Fair Food, Fuerza Laboral, and the Environmental Justice League of RI for another Stop & Shop >> Read More
NYC Fair Food activists, Tour crew…

NYC Fair Food activists, Tour crew…

  ... race for farmworker justice! Determined Fair Food activists and farmworkers from Immokalee pinned a number on their chests and ran 1.6 miles -- from the Trader Joe's in Chelsea to the Trader Joe's at Union Square -- this past Friday as New York's Community/Farmworker Alliance organized the first annual "Race for Farmworker Justice" through the streets of the >> Read More
City of Brotherly Love shows much love…

City of Brotherly Love shows much love…

... for the Tour crew and the Campaign for Fair Food! The Trader Joe's Northeast Tour continued its swing through the great cities of the Northeast, stopping in Philadelphia on Thursday for a daily double of Fair Food action -- a protest at a local Giant supermarket (above, northeast-based chains Giant and Stop & Shop are owned by Dutch supermarket >> Read More
Trader Joe’s Northeast Tour August 2-12, 2011

Trader Joe’s Northeast Tour August 2-12, 2011

Day 4 New York, New York (click here for full schedule) In action after action, Fair Food activists with the New York-based Community/Farmworker Alliance have made creativity their trademark. On Day 4 of the Northeast Tour, several members of the CFA donned Trader Joe's-style Hawaiian shirts and launched their latest action with an old favorite: Sampling Justice, where consumers are >> Read More
Trader Joe’s Northeast Tour August 2-12, 2011

Trader Joe’s Northeast Tour August 2-12, 2011

Days 1 and 2 Baltimore, MD, Washington DC (click here for full schedule) The Northeast Tour started out with a visit by several of the Tour participants to the watermelon fields of Delaware's eastern shore, where members of the CIW's watermelon cooperative (above) were hard at work harvesting melons. Fortunately for the Tour crew, the recent record-breaking heat wave had >> Read More